Work Permits

Almost every foreign national will need a work permit to earn in Canada. There are two types of work permit in Canada with employer-specific work permit being more popular. It is a temporary work permit and lets you work in the country based conditions mentioned in the work permit. Conditions such as:

  • Tenure of work
  • Employer the applicant is supposed to work for
  • And, also the location (if applicable)

But, for applicants who want to secure an employer-specific work permit, the employer first needs to complete certain steps. The employer will either provide either a copy of a Labour Market Impact Assessment or an offer of employment number to include in your application.

If you need help understanding rules, regulations and also policies related to Canadian Work Permit we’re more than happy to help you out. Zoom Immigration is one of Canada’s elite immigration service companies and has helped countless people to settle down and start living in the country. From helping to initiate the process to assisting to submit an application and secure a work permit, we’re always by the side of our clients. We as a company have been working for a long time and always happy to assist new clients. For further information about Canadian immigration feel free to tact us anytime.