Study Permit

Canada is truly one of the hotspots of the world for students. The academic facilities available are one of the best in the world making it a great destination for every level of study. The federal government identifying the want of students from the world over is pretty much willing to issue Study Permits students to take their learning to the next level. A work permit will allow students to study at some designated learning institutions (DLIs). But, keep in mind; a study permit does not give the applicant the option of entering the country. Students with study permits will need a separate visa to move to Canada.

Study Permit – Eligibility

The Canadian federal government can grant a study permit if a candidate can meet certain criteria like:

  • Have enrolled at a designated learning institution (DLI)
  • Showing proof of fund – the applicant has enough money to pay for:
    • tuition fees
    • living expenses for himself/herself and the family members who accompany them to Canada, and also
    • return transportation for the applicant and other members accompanying them to Canada
  • Assure to obey the law with no prior criminal records.

Responsibilities of a Study Permit Holder

While the government allows you the freedom to immigrate and study at the best institutions, it also asks study permit holders to always remember certain responsibilities.

  • The candidate must always try to progress and complete the program.
  • Respect and adhere to conditions listed on your study permit.
  • The candidate should stop studying if the requirements are not being met.
  • Assure to leave Canada upon expiration of the permit

So, if you’re planning to move to Canada and looking for a reliable immigration services company to guide you through the process, we’re always here to assist you. Zoom Immigration service is dedicated to providing quality service to students from any corner of the world and get immigration-related processes done with zero hassle. Reach out to us to know more about our immigration services.